Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Kalo jalan-jalan, Iki juga gak mau kalah ama mama-chan. Dia minta tasnya mama-chan jaman Iki masih bayi, trus jalan2 ditenteng. Hiiiihhhh nentengnya kayak tante2 di mall nenteng tas lagi (@_@)

Blogger The Diva had this to say:

hahahaha Ki, Ki, kamu itu kok lucu. Doyan kereta2an, tapi juga nenteng tas kayak tante2 Mall.

Mau niru2 Mamamu ya? Hihihi.

Gpp Mam, nanti kalo besar Iki jadi "pemerhati wanita" :-D


Blogger a2pl3 had this to say:


Very cute!!! :D


Blogger Vivi had this to say:

Iki!! duh, jadi nge-fas sama kamu sekarang. Sampe buka blog archives dari kamu lahir, en baca terus mulai kemarin di tempat kerja !! (untung gak ketauan bos)

nanti kalo ke surabaya maen ke rumahnya Felicia ya....


Blogger The Diva had this to say:


Dasar kamu, sekarang bener2 jadi kayak mama2... inget2 Mamaku dulu sering ngajak "anak-e tonggo" dan "anak-e konco" untuk "main-main kerumahnya Sheila yaaaa..."

Huahahahahahahaha... and these kids are not even talking yet!!!!

Ehhh, tapi siapa tahuuuu....??? Hehehehehehe....
Next generation in your family who gets another Japanese blood, hihihihihi...


Blogger Vivi had this to say:

actually, i WAS thinking about that...hahaha....I even start thinking, Iki and Felicia? they have the same eyes!!! They're both cute!!

then I remember how I complaint to my mum about how she always tried to find boyfriends for my sisters and me...and how Felicia hasn't even able to speak!! hhhh turunan kali, no wonder sometimes Steiner said I'm a nutcase...

Tenang Moet, you can ask sheila, I can be a very cool mom in law for Iki HUAHUAHUAHAAAA

JUST KIDDING!!! (please don't tell Steiner, he'll kill me...)


Blogger The Diva had this to say:

huahahhahahahahaha VIIII YOU ARE CRAZY B***H!!!

And this is the same girl who once had a huge fight when her mom insisted on putting some guy's framed picture on her desk, just so she will always "remember" him, despite the fact that she doesn't have the feeling for him????
Is this the same girl complaining that MOMS ARE IMPOSSIBLE, why cant they understand their daughters, WHY must they mingle in our relationships etc etc etc????


Haahahahahahaha dasar nutcase.

For what it's worth, I'll make sure I have a pep talk with Felicia and have her pierce her belly first before she hits on Iki, hehehehe.
Iki is a shy guy... he'll need a bit more of a brave, enthusiastic and a "pressing" girl to make the first move.

hahahahaha. Better find one for myself first...


Blogger imoet had this to say:

hehehe thanks :p

eh of course kalo ke surabaya iki maen ke rumahnya felicia. kalo jalan2 ke jepang juga singgah di tokyo ketemu Iki yaaaaaa :p
hati2 kalo diva ketemu felicia. periksa pusernya tiap 5 menit!!!!!!

anak'e orang masih bayi wes meh di permak!!!! :)) :)) :))

hehehe iki and felicia?!?!?!? waktu aku bilang hiro dia ngakak2. mau dikawinin umur berapa katanya? :)) :))

kemaren aku tunjukin fotonya felicia ke iki. "Ki, ini loh Felicia....temennya Iki di surabaya. cute ya....?"
Iki: "bebeh...." trus di-sun ihihihihihihi


Blogger LadyNoor had this to say:

oalah iki... iki... niru mama banget deh...

btw, kok di sini jadi ajang menjodohkan anak2 ya? :p


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