Thursday, November 22, 2007
Iki dan mama
Imutan siapa...mama-chan ato Iki?!?!?!?!?! :p- The Diva had this to say:
to answer the question: of course IKIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by no means, but you lost the cuteness BIG TIME when compared to that cute little monster!!!! Hahahahhahhahahahhahaha.....- LadyNoor had this to say:
hahahaha... i was going to say (or write)something much nicer but jadi ketawa duluan deh liat komennya Sheila :p
- imoet had this to say:
tapi kok aku ngerasa di foto itu aku lebih imut yaaaaaa :p
you actually SHOULD go on with you "nicer" comment :p